Thursday, December 9, 2010

Book 24: Achilles and Priam

        My opinion of Achilles has changed since his encounter with Priam because Achilles treats Priam as a guest not the enemy, he has compassion for Priam and gives the body of Hector back.
- when Priam asks for pity he wants Achilles to remember his own father.
-Priam and Achilles cries because Priam is grieving Hector and Achilles is remembering his father.
-Achilles shows Priam hospitality by feeding him, giving him a place to sleep, and cleaning the dead body of Hector.
- Other than giving back Hectors body Achilles agrees to stop fighting for 12 days.

        I feel sympathy towards Achilles because he is feeling an emotion other than anger and its hard for him to deal with.

        Other than anger, Achilles shows that he can be compassionate, he also shows a softer side when talking or remembering his father.

        The Greeks view on fate is that you either get miseries or blessings.


1 comment:

  1. Again, Michelle, great analysis in your first questions, and then you fade off... Stay strong in the last questions which require a different kind of thinking: divergent. This requires some imagination and risk-taking : Go for it!

    Ms. R
