Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hector Returns to Troy

        Hector is so determined to keep fight because he is the lone defense of Troy.  If he stops now he would be branded a coward. The people of Troy are counting on him.

        Hector thinks that when Troy falls and he dies his wife will become a servant to a Greek, and she'll have to obay their every wish.

        Hector thinks that when your born your fate is born with you whether your a brave man or a cowardly one.

        Hector is a determined warrior and a loving father.

        Hector seems more of a hero than Achilles because Hector is determined to keep fighting not just because he wants to kill people but because he has to protect the people of Troy, his king (his father), his wife, and son.

1 comment:

  1. Did you not have enough time to read? Why start and not finish? Also, be sure to post a painting or image of Hectore and Andromache.

    Ms. R
