Sunday, January 23, 2011

Civil Peace

1. After reading the story i think after everything that has happened to Jonathan he still has an optimistic outlook on life.
         - Jonathan acquires his money from taxiing people to the closest tared road.
         - Jonathan's money gets stolen by thieves

3. Jonathan has an optimistic outlook on life. Even after he lost one child, encounter thieves, and gets his money stolen, he's just thankful that he has most of his family, and a room over their heads.

4. "Nothing puzzles God" means that things may happen and you don't understand why but God knows why it happened,

5. After the war, ordinary citizens are left with nothing, no jobs, no money and if they have money it will more than likely be stolen by thieves,and no house.

8. I think Jonathan was just happy to be alive and have as much as he did in the end of the war. Most people would be gratful for what he had in the end.

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