Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Dolls House: questions part 1

1. after reading act one i felt bad for nora because she did go behind her husbands back and got a loan so they could go to italy, which saved his life. Torvald was saying how Kragstad is a bad person and poisons his children with lies which is what nora is thinkin of herself.
        -Torvald is going to become manaer of a bank.
        -nora took out a loan to get the money for the trip to italy.
        -Krogstad threatens nora because she broke the law.

3. - torvald calls her his little squirrel and a lark, calls her scatterbrained and that she spends money like her father.

4. noas strengths are taking care of her children and husband, making sure everyone is happy. her weaknesses is that shes scaterbrained and she spends money without a thought.

5. mrs. linde might be a foil character to nora because mrs. linde has always had to worry about money, work hard for her money, and spend it wisely. on the other hand nor doesnt hve to work hard because her husband brings in the money and fair amount of it, nora spands alot of money when she likes.

7. something that prevents people from understanding what is going on in their own lives is lies, when people lie alot they end up pileing up and their whole being becomes one big lie.

Monday, May 2, 2011

School Memory

When I was in second grade in the morning we would always line upon the ramp by the entrance to go upstairs to class. one day all of the girls in my class decided tat it would be a good idea to gang up on the boys and beat them up. we all huddled up like it was a football game and each girl chose a boy that they'd beat up. the plan was made and we were on the attack. I remember i beat up christian, i pushed him on the ground and kicked him in the nuts. i felt bad after i did it because christian was one of my friends. then our teacher Ms. Skelly came down and yelled for us to stop. we all stopped dead in our tracks because we had never herd her yell before. she took us up to the class room and told us she was very disappointed in us all, even the boys, i thought that was funny because they didn't do anything.